The tutorials on this website will usually be based on the latest (master) codebase. It should also be very stable.
After downloading recline you'll want to use it in your project -- see below or tutorials for details.
Recline has dependencies on some third-party libraries. Specifically, recline.dataset.js depends on:
Those backends which utilize jquery’s ajax method depend on jQuery:
All the views require, in addition to those needed for recline.dataset.js:
Individual views have additional dependencies such as:
If you grab the full zipball for Recline this will include all of the relevant dependencies in the vendor directory and you can also find them at in the github repo here.
Here is an example of the page setup for an app using every Recline component:
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/bootstrap/2.0.2/css/bootstrap.css" />
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/leaflet/0.4.4/leaflet.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/leaflet.markercluster/MarkerCluster.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/leaflet.markercluster/MarkerCluster.Default.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/slickgrid/2.0.1/slick.grid.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/timeline/css/timeline.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/grid.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/slickgrid.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/flot.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/map.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/multiview.css">
rel="stylesheet" href="css/timeline.css">