view.timeline.js |
/*jshint multistr:true */
this.recline = this.recline || {};
this.recline.View = this.recline.View || {};
(function($, my) {
turn off unnecessary logging from VMM Timeline |
if (typeof VMM !== 'undefined') {
VMM.debug = false;
TimelineTimeline view using |
my.Timeline = Backbone.View.extend({
template: ' \
These are the default (case-insensitive) names of field that are used if found. If not found, the user will need to define these fields on initialization |
startFieldNames: ['date','startdate', 'start', 'start-date'],
endFieldNames: ['end','endDate'],
elementId: '#vmm-timeline-id',
initialize: function(options) {
var self = this;
this.el = $(this.el);
this.timeline = new VMM.Timeline();
this._timelineIsInitialized = false;
this.model.fields.bind('reset', function() {
this.model.records.bind('all', function() {
var stateData = _.extend({
startField: null,
endField: null,
timelineJSOptions: {}
this.state = new recline.Model.ObjectState(stateData);
render: function() {
var tmplData = {};
var htmls = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData);
can only call _initTimeline once view in DOM as Timeline uses $ internally to look up element |
if ($(this.elementId).length > 0) {
show: function() {
only call _initTimeline once view in DOM as Timeline uses $ internally to look up element |
if (this._timelineIsInitialized === false) {
_initTimeline: function() {
var $timeline = this.el.find(this.elementId);
var data = this._timelineJSON();
this.timeline.init(data, this.elementId, this.state.get("timelineJSOptions"));
this._timelineIsInitialized = true
reloadData: function() {
if (this._timelineIsInitialized) {
var data = this._timelineJSON();
Convert record to JSON for timeline Designed to be overridden in client apps |
convertRecord: function(record, fields) {
return this._convertRecord(record, fields);
Internal method to generate a Timeline formatted entry |
_convertRecord: function(record, fields) {
var start = this._parseDate(record.get(this.state.get('startField')));
var end = this._parseDate(record.get(this.state.get('endField')));
if (start) {
var tlEntry = {
"startDate": start,
"endDate": end,
"headline": String(record.get('title') || ''),
"text": record.get('description') || record.summary()
return tlEntry;
} else {
return null;
_timelineJSON: function() {
var self = this;
var out = {
'timeline': {
'type': 'default',
'headline': '',
'date': [
this.model.records.each(function(record) {
var newEntry = self.convertRecord(record, self.fields);
if (newEntry) {;
if no entries create a placeholder entry to prevent Timeline crashing with error |
if ( === 0) {
var tlEntry = {
"startDate": '2000,1,1',
"headline": 'No data to show!'
return out;
_parseDate: function(date) {
if (!date) {
return null;
var out = date.trim();
out = out.replace(/(\d)th/g, '$1');
out = out.replace(/(\d)st/g, '$1');
out = out.trim() ? moment(out) : null;
if (out.toDate() == 'Invalid Date') {
return null;
} else {
return out.toDate();
_setupTemporalField: function() {
startField: this._checkField(this.startFieldNames),
endField: this._checkField(this.endFieldNames)
_checkField: function(possibleFieldNames) {
var modelFieldNames = this.model.fields.pluck('id');
for (var i = 0; i < possibleFieldNames.length; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < modelFieldNames.length; j++){
if (modelFieldNames[j].toLowerCase() == possibleFieldNames[i].toLowerCase())
return modelFieldNames[j];
return null;
})(jQuery, recline.View);